We are at the final stretch! CLICK HERE TO JOIN US FOR SIGN WAVING
Join Our Canvassing Team!

We have a large selection of dates to choose from. Please click on the mobilize link to sign up and you will be paired with other volunteers!
Zone 3: So. Jax Beach
Monday, 11/04, 10:30 AM
Text Rachel to join! 315.382.1979
Zone 6: Monday, 11/04, 3-6 PM
Texting, calling and canvassing!
Pizza provided!
Mobilize sign-up link:
Meet at 12498 Mount Pleasant Woods Drive, Jax, 32225
Sign Waving: Election Day, Tuesday, November 5th from 7 AM-7PM
Beaches Library
600 3rd Street
Neptune Beach, FL 32266
Questions? rachel4hd16@gmail.com